pregnancy is a miracle, a miracle in which our bodies and muscles stretch. even our organs shift around to make room for our growing babies. So, it is no surprise that after our babies arrive, we have a lot of healing to do. Postpartum stomach binding is one form of postpartum recovery that may help you heal faster. We’ve broken down everything you need to know about it below!

It is crucial to note that postpartum stomach binding must not be used as a way to get your body back to the way it was before pregnancy. Your body spent 9 months creating new life and it should have your kindness and grace postpartum. The purpose of postpartum stomach binding is solely that of healing; to supply support and gentle compression.

What is stomach Binding?

Belly binding is typically made with a stretchy material that you wrap around your waist from your ribs to your hips. There are lots of different stomach binding wraps out there. They are normally adjustable and are secured with Velcro. They compress your abdomen and help, for a lack of a better term, squish, your stomach back together.

Belly binding has lots of benefits. Below, I’ll go over the pro’s and con’s to stomach binding and I’ll give my personal experiences so that you can decide if it is ideal for you.

Pros of Postpartum stomach Binding

There are lots of positives to stomach binding if done correctly. first and foremost, it will give you support. during pregnancy, you lose a lot of muscle strength in your abdomen and back. The wrap will give you the support you need for good posture and to help you step and walk much easier after you have a baby.

When you lose your muscle strength during pregnancy, basic things like sitting up in bed can be a challenge. If you use a stomach binder, you will have the added support that your body needs to do the basic things that you could do pre-pregnancy.

Getting everything Back in Place

Another benefit of stomach binding is that it can help your uterus shrink. Your uterus stretches to accommodate your growing baby. According to, it can stretch up to “500 times” it’s original size. C’est dingue! After your baby is born, your uterus will begin to shrink on its own, but a stomach binder will absolutely help this process go faster.

The binder uses gentle compression to essentially deflate your uterus. think about when you deflate an inner tube. If you push on it or compress it, it goes back to its original state much faster. The same holds true for your uterus.

Belly binding will also assist in putting your organs back into place. When you’re pregnant, your organs step around to make room for your growing baby which is incredibly cool. However, after the baby is born, your organs don’t just jump back in place. A stomach binder will give your abdomen the gentle nudge and pressure it needs to guide your organs back to where they belong.

The gentle compressions of a stomach binder can also help your skin regain its elasticity. By putting gentle pressure on your skin, your skin can recover faster and help rid your body of some of the swelling and excess fluids that you get while pregnant.

The big benefit for C-section Mamas

Belly binding can be especially helpful in healing for mommies who had a C-section. However, as a C-section is a major surgery you must speak with your doctor before deciding to wear one.

Cons of Postpartum stomach Binding

There are risks related to using the wrong kind of stomach wrap or wearing one too tightly, including pelvic floor prolapse, pain, and rashes.

Another con of using a stomach band is that in buy to get the most from it, you need to wear it nearly all hours of the day for about a month or two. That’s a big commitment. A stomach binder feels like a continual squeeze around your midsection, so if you don’t like the pressure, it will be hard to wear it all of the time.

Belly binding can also interfere with your clothing. The wraps can be a little bulky and fitting them under your clothing can be difficult.

My Experience with Postpartum stomach Binding

I wore a stomach binder after both of my pregnancies and I have recommended them to all of my expecting girlfriends. The wraps not only gave me the support that I needed, but it also helped shrink my uterus, and put my organs back in place. It really gave me the confidence I needed after being pregnant.

My first Pregnancy

When I was pregnant with my oldest, I saw an advertisement for a stomach binder in a pregnancy magazine and I didn’t know what it was. So, like any millennial, I Googled it. I did a little research on what stomach binders were and I liked what I read. I bought my stomach binder after I had my daughter while I was still in the healthcare facility and it came ideal away. 

Check out a couple of other postpartum stomach binders we recommend;


J’étais dédié à l’enveloppement et l’a porté autant que je pouvais et j’ai trouvé que mon corps se remettait rapidement après ma grossesse. Je portais mon enveloppe presque toute la journée, chaque jour pendant environ un mois. J’ai adoré le soutien qu’il m’a utilisé dans la guérison!

Ventre d’estomac post-partum avec ma deuxième grossesse

Avec ma deuxième grossesse, j’étais prêt et préparé pour le classeur d’estomac. Je l’ai apporté avec moi dans le centre de santé et j’ai commencé à le porter le même jour que j’ai livré mon fils. La deuxième fois, je sentais que mon corps avait besoin de l’enveloppement encore plus que la première fois. Mon utérus se sentait très grand et étendu, ma peau était très extensible et mon intérieur se sent si déplacé. Cette fois-ci, j’avais besoin de l’enveloppe pour se sentir plus fort et beaucoup plus pris en charge par rapport à la première fois lorsque je l’ai fait beaucoup plus pour la vanité.

Après avoir porté mon liant d’estomac pour un total de deux mois, mon corps a finalement semblé avoir eu avant ma deuxième grossesse. Cela a aidé avec ma confiance immensément et m’a fait sentir bien de mon corps fort et capable. Le corps féminin est une chose exceptionnelle. Nous pouvons étirer notre ventre au maximum, puis former notre corps à être fort à nouveau.

Globalement, l’emporte sur l’estomac sur l’estomac si vous me demandez. Ils vous donnent la force de votre médiane, aidez-vous à gonfler, de rétrécissement de votre utérus, de remettre vos organes en place et même d’aider les incisions en cas de c-section sécuritaires. Il y a une raison où la liaison de l’estomac existe depuis des siècles et je suis sûr que ce sera bien depuis des siècles à venir. Assurez-vous de vérifier toutes nos enveloppes d’estomac préférées ici!

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Questions fréquemment posées

Les liants d’estomac post-partum fonctionnent-ils?

Les liants de l’estomac post-partum fonctionnent pour fournir un support et une compression douce. Ils peuvent vous aider à reculer vos muscles et vos organes en place beaucoup plus rapidement après la naissance.

L’estomac post-partum est-il nécessaire?

Non, il n’est pas nécessaire de porter une enveloppe d’estomac post-partum. Beaucoup de mamans, tout comme avoir le soutien supplémentaire après que leurs corps ont traversé tant de porter leur bébé et de donner naissance.

Combien de temps devez-vous lier votre estomac après la naissance?

En règle générale, vous devez porter votre liant d’estomac post-partum pendant environ un mois. Cela dépendra de l’emballage de l’estomac que vous choisissez et de votre médecin ou de la recommandation de la sage-femme.

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